How I Got Cured From Anxiety And Panic Attacks And How You Might Be Able To Do Same

8 min readApr 24, 2021


I have suffered from panic attacks and anxiety almost two years and all I can say is that it doesn’t feel good at all. I had various symptoms of them, including chest pain, heart beating fast suddenly, feeling scared, wet hands, deep breaths, feeling of death, dizziness, sometimes in public my head felt like it’s about to explode and I just wanted to yell loudly. Having the feeling that “I’m about to die” started to effect on my daily life badly and I emphasize the word badly. If you have been suffering from panic attacks and anxiety then you definitely know what I am talking about.

During my panic attack and anxiety journey I found myself natural ways to get rid of them, applied those natural ways and got cured. Now I live happily and healthy without any panic attack and anxiety. If it would come in future, I know how to stop it immediately, because now I have learned methods that really work on preventing it from happening again and that’s why I want to share with you some of those methods.

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My Story

Sunny day and happy feeling, I was on my way to work. Hopped into the train. I arrived to my destination, walked few minutes then suddenly, out of the blue I got this feeling that I’m about to die and I became crazy. I looked around. The environment around me felt so weird and it felt like my brain was so tired failing to comprehend the environment around me. My heart started to beat so fast. I couldn’t breathe well. Then I grabbed the wall and tried to breathe slowly. I looked around again and I wanted to call for help from people nearby but I was embarrassed to do so, because I kept thinking of what people would think about me when they see me in this condition.

I was thinking what was wrong with me. After while I gathered myself. I started to breathe slowly and I felt a bit better. I called my boss and told him that today I can’t come to work because I don’t feel well and he told me to go rest at home and come back when I feel okay. Then I got back into the train and headed back to home.

I called a doctor in public sector. She told me to come see her on the same day. I went to meet her. We started to discuss about my situation and how I got into this state. She wasn’t a big help at all. She prescribed anti-depression medicine for me for one week. Then I went back to home. I felt so much anxiety. It was so difficult to even breathe. My breath felt so heavy and I thought I would soon die. I hopefully thought that the medicine the doctor prescribed for me would help.

Night time came and I used the first pill. I tried to sleep. I started to get these very bad and sick thoughts on my mind. It really made me sad and depressed me. According to me that medicine was not for anti-depression but more like a depression medicine.

Next day, I took the medicine and threw it into garbage. I then contacted a psychologist in the private sector. Luckily our job insurance covered psychology appointments.

So, I went to discuss with the psychologist and he asked me to tell my story; all the way from my childhood till that day. I explained and told him my story and the rough times I had gone through in my life. Then he prescribed a medicine that would calm me, so to speak a sedative. It was another new medicine.

I tried it once and this time it was helpful. However, I didn’t continue to use it. Why? I had two reasons. The first reason was that I liked to call myself as anti-medicine man who would rather not use any kind of medicine unless necessary due to their side-effects. Secondly, the psychologist told me that I should be careful with the medicine because constant use may lead to addiction. Well this was not a problem for me because I don’t easily get addicted to things but at least I didn’t throw that medicine to garbage.

After some time, I got rid of my panic attack and anxiety but only for a while. It came back again in 2018. I was so surprised that I got it again. Again to psychologist. This time psychologist didn’t prescribed me a medicine but instead wanted me to acknowledge what panic attacks and anxiety were. I thought this was a good starting point.

So, then she gave me a website in Finnish language which educates on what panic attacks and anxiety are all about, their symptoms and so on. I felt so relieved by this time, because before I thought there was something seriously wrong with me, but then I found out based on the website I read that panic attack was all about false alarms in the body. This is triggered by brain when it is in a state of fear or overwhelming stress.

This time it didn’t help me again. Thus I decided to do something different and here’s where everything got changed. I decided to solve this problem naturally without any medicines.

How I Found Out the Root Cause of Panic Attack

I started to find out the root cause of the panic attack step by step. First, I had to find out what caused me the panic attack and I found out that it was my anxiety. The next step was to find out what was causing me anxiety and I found out that the root cause was my stress. Then I wanted to find out what caused my stress level to jump sky high and I found out that there were several sources that caused it.

Now the question is how I actually did find the root causes? The answer is observation. Very important yet easy and useful skill in many situations for anyone.

My Ailments and How I Got Cured From Them

I had at least five ailments during my panic attacks and anxiety “journey” and they were:

  • Too much stress
  • Constant back & neck pains
  • Disordered sleeping rhythm
  • Hectic daily life
  • My bad habits

Biggest ailment was too much stress. In this article I’m going to share you on how I cured my stress. Other ailments are very important to be cured as well.

Bad Stress the Cause of All Root Evil

When I started my observation process, I found out that one contributor to my stress was the stress that I got from the work. I did overtime, worth of six days of work, which was obviously too much. Even though I am passionate about my job as a software designer, it is a job that really requires lots of thinking and solves problems smartly and efficiently. Thus, you need to use a good portion of your brain.

Too much thinking for long durations and the feeling of frustration caused me stress.

Another source of stress from my work was that I didn’t make use my summer holiday for resting but instead I decided to use it later which was bad idea.

There were other several contributors to my bad stress.

How I Cured The Bad Stress?

How did I succeed to reduce the stress from my job? Since relaxation is the remedy for stress, I knew what I had to do. I had two options, either I worked remotely at home following my own pace or I would take a sick leave.

I called my doctor and asked what would be the best thing to do in this scenario. She recommended me working from home if that was possible and that’s what I also thought would be a good start. Then if that didn’t help, then I should call her and ask for a sick leave.

After the call with my doctor, I went to discuss with my team members and told them that I needed to work remotely from home for one week to reduce my stress levels. They were so understanding, kind and accepted my proposition easily.

Next week, I worked from home remotely for one week. I did everything slowly and at my own pace. I relaxed sometimes, took naps and then continued working until I completed my daily hours. Guess what? It helped me so much to reduce my stress. This was one of the remedies that helped me tackle panic attacks and anxiety and reduction of stress levels.

If you are in such a field where it is impossible for you to work remotely or at home, then you can ask for a sick leave if you have too much stress. Remember that most important thing is your well-being and you should always put your health first.


Panic attacks & anxiety are very awful ailments that even the healthiest human being on the Earth can get them at some point in his/her life. However, it is curable and I have now shown you only one cause and method eliminating panic attacks and anxiety.

There is no magic trick to get rid of panic attacks and anxiety in one day, but rather you need to work for it.

Our body is amazing creation. It has so much complexity and functionality in it. We all have super powers and we are able to do wonders. I never could believed that I could tackle panic attacks and anxiety naturally without medicine. That’s why I wrote this article to give you hope and encourage you try if you are suffering from panic attacks.


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Notice #1: Get all information on my eBook which you can get by clicking here.

There you will:

  • Learn how you can easily learn to use observation skill for your advantage to discover ALL root causes of panic attacks and anxiety
  • Five big ailments and their remedies (cures) including the main one, bad stress
  • Five more remedies that can help you to win panic attacks and anxiety faster
  • Give you readiness to stop panic attacks and anxiety if you might encounter them again
  • My full story

Notice #2: You can follow me on Gumroad to stay updated about my upcoming works.




Written by Amir

Software Developer that loves helping people in all aspects of their life. I write based on my experience. Read my blog at

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